Yearly archives: 2016

Robert Browning – My Last Duchess – Summary & Analysis

My Last Duchess is ‘the’ most famous dramatic monologue of Robert Browning. The poem was published in the year 1842 in the third series of Bells and Pomegranate. The particular series was called as Dramatic Lyrics. It was the first time the world witnessed this poem

Richard Wagner – Symphony in C major [WWV 29] [1832]

Richard Wagner, the German composer influenced the world of arts and literature so much that there are schools of thoughts regarding his works. Wagner’s especially known for the musical dramas wherein he composed the music and wrote the libretto himself.

Renaissance – The Resurgence of European Culture and Arts

The Greek and Roman civilizations gave great importance to their culture and promoted arts through which they saw their progress. After the fall of Roman Empire in 476 AD Europe struggled to maintain that cultural richness and went into the Dark Ages.

Learning Cubism through the works of Pablo Picasso

Nowadays people become more and more interested in dissertation writing, essays’ writing and other things that are not connected with art. Who knows about the Renaissance architecture or the poets of Florence? It is sad, but almost nobody cares. People have become more pragmatic and less rational/idealistic.

George Orwell – Animal Farm Summary and Analysis

Eric Blair, well-known with his pen name George Orwell, was a strong believer of democratic socialism. He fought in wars and witnessed the cruelties of the dictatorship. Being an essayist and novelist his political viewpoints came forth in the form of Animal Farm.

Rubens & Goya – Saturn Devouring His Son

Saturn is a Roman mythological figure who has inspired several artists throughout the world. Apart from literature and writings, many artists took the story of Saturn to interpret visually through their works. Peter Paul Rubens and Francisco Goya are the finest examples