The rise of English Drama and the Golden Age

Drama or a play is an adaptation to entertain the crowd in Greek, Roman and Indian civilizations. Gradually, it spread to other parts of the world and has become a major genre in literature. Romans influence over the English is predominant, when it comes to the development and rise of […]

Miracle plays, Morality plays and Interludes – Medieval Drama

Medieval drama is so much different from the way world knows about drama today. The plays consisted of little entertainment and more didactic elements. However, the crowd used to flood in to watch the plays as they were the only form of entertainment that they were able to easily relate.

Pablo Picasso – Girl Before a Mirror Analysis

The painting – Girl Before a Mirror by Pablo Picasso is one of the masterpieces of Cubism movement. It was completed in the year 1932 and has been interpreted in many ways by the critics as well as art fanatics.

Ludwig van Beethoven – Interesting facts about the composer

Ludwig van Beethoven is an ingenious German composer who uplifted the levels of composing music through his charming works. He is most notable for works like Symphony 9, Symphony 5, moonlight sonata, etc. that are revolutionary compositions till date.

Salvador Dali – Metamorphosis of Narcissus Analysis

The world of Surrealism owes a great deal to the imaginative capabilities of Salvador Dali. He made the movement turn into a grandiose canvas with wonderful hues in them. His works like The Persistence of Memory, Metamorphosis of Narcissus, Swans reflecting Elephants, Invention of the Monsters, etc.

Myth of Narcissus as in Metamorphoses of Ovid

The much famed Narcissism and its philosophy of self-admiration came from the myth of Narcissus. Now, there are many sources that give out the myth in different versions. Some are bolder, some are more ‘un-fictional’, but the version of Ovid never hides itself in a cloak