Graveyard Poetry – 18th century poetic school

Graveyard school is a genre that has developed due to reactions created by the melancholic strain that spread across Europe in the 17th century. The poetry of the period was so vain, teaching only philosophy and optimism as a result of solitude or contemplation.

The books in which heroes inspire us to become stronger

Being motivational is a significant part of a modern well-being trend. Nevertheless, in every time there have been people and heroes who knew how to inspire others, which brings us exactly to the list of books where characters show how to be stronger.

Anatomy of a Sonnet and how to write one effectively!

Sonnet is a short poem consisting of fourteen lines and is adopted by the English from the Italian poets. Its use in English has been prevalent since the thirteenth century and is considered to be one of the difficult forms to master.

Life of a Village – Remembering the Dead

The mornings I bear are not thirsty yet; and the morning light still lets the bed of grass wake with joy. Wake up! Wake up! Ye slumbering trees slept with courage that no man will lay an axe on your arms.