Robert Browning poems

The best of Robert Browning poems – Victorian poet

Robert Browning is a masterful poet of the Victorian era with reputed greatness at producing dramatic monologues. His father maintained a huge collection of books and mother was a pianist, making it possible


The essence of Literature – A world full of surprises

“The purpose of literature is to turn blood into ink.” [T. S. Eliot] For those passionate about writing and knowing literature, the words of Eliot would reverberate strongly in the minds and hearts. The world of literature is something

Ancient Greece

The Most Significant [Top 10] Writers of Ancient Greece

Western civilization was born out of Ancient Greece. This statement and fact are well-known almost for all of us. The central role of culture and progress drove from Greece to the rest of the world played writers and philosophers.

turmeric - essay on indian civilization

Turmeric – An Essay on current Indian Progress

Turmeric: God wouldn’t have supposed men would go astray so much and so far. This life as we live is not in any means understandable, we are trying to get back into the pupa whence we came from.