An article review demands in-depth knowledge and analytical skills. It reflects a well-structured presentation of strong argumentative points. This makes it important for students to ideate an outline for an article review. Also, one must follow the right format, expand their research avenues, and use credible references.
Professional essay writers are available to back you with article review samples on the go. But you should learn a few things on your own. Are you willing to invest some time in reading this blog? It will help you go about your next review like a champ.
Happy reading!
What is an Article Review?
You must get a clear picture of an article review. The writing process encompasses a few important elements. These include summarization, classification, critiques, analysis, and comparison.
The paper requires students to assess and evaluate the work of other experts in the specific field. It leads to further clarity and academic contribution to the field of study. This is where the format for an article review gains significance. Following the right format leads to a structured evaluation of the work. To gain formatting insights, you can always sign up with digital spaces like Allessaywriter and other electronic libraries.
But before everything else, read this blog for a brief overview of the article review format and useful tips to make your paper stand out.
Articles Review Format – The Key Essentials
No research paper outline is perfect if you don’t follow the right format. Here, we will be elaborating on the two widely used formats. These are the MLA and APA formats. So, take a look below and note down the suggestions provided.
APA Format
You must include bibliographical entries for the sources you use in this format.
- Journal: Author [last name], A.A [first and middle initial]. (Publication Year). Publication Title. Periodical Title, Volume (Issue), pp.-pp.
- Newspaper: Author [last name], A.A [first and middle initial]. (Year, Month, Date of Publication). Publication Title. Magazine Title, pp. xx-xx.
- Web: Author [last name], A.A [first and middle initial]. (Year, Month, Date of Publication). Title. Retrieved from {link}
MLA Format
Likewise, the MLA citation essentials demand that certain bibliographical entries be included flawlessly across each review type.
- Journal: Last, First M. “Title of the Publication.” Journal Title Series Volume. Issue (Year Published): Page(s). Database Name. Web. Date Month Year Accessed.
- Newspaper: Last, First M. “Title of the Publication.” Newspaper Title [City] Date, Month, Year Published: Page(s). Print.
- Web: Last, First M Initial. “Publication Title.” Website Title. Website Publisher, Date//Month/Year Published. Web. Date/Month/Year Accessed.
Article Review Outline & Tips
Now that you know the formatting guidelines, let’s delve deeper and figure out how to write an impressive article review. Here are some simple tips for you to incorporate.
- Step 1: Write the Title
You need to develop a title that reflects the central point of the article review. The title can be declarative, descriptive, and interrogative.
- Step 2: Cite the Article
Now, cite the article in accordance with the preferred citation style. You may go through article review examples APA format guide or read through the MLA formatting essentialities for insights and clarity.
- Step 3: Include article identification
Once you are done citing the article, it’s time to include the identification of the reviewed piece. You must include the title of the article, authors, journal titles, and year of publication in the first paragraph.
- Step 4: Introduce the paper
Begin the paper with an introduction. It should reflect the article topic and your thesis for the review. You can elaborate on the positive aspects of the review in clear and concise words.
Include facts and critique the publication by identifying potential gaps, disparities, and contradictions.
- Step 5: Summarize the article
Now, summarize the paper by including what the author has documented. Note all relevant facts and findings from the article and include the author’s conclusion.
- Step 6: Add a compelling conclusion
Here, you should restate the thesis statement by highlighting the main points. Pinpoint the article’s main arguments and the evidence used in order to support the same.
It is equally important for you to suggest a couple of alternative research avenues. This will pave the way for future scopes and possibilities.
Parting Thoughts
Let me assume you are now aware of the bigger picture. So, keep referring to this blog, refer to a review example, embrace the best practices, and never look back.